So we received a FANTASTIC email from our agency, AAC Adoption and Family Services last night! The email basically said that our Dossier (all that paperwork we had notarized, certified and authenticated before sending to China) is now out of translation (OOT) and in review. This in itself is wonderful news! BUT what makes it even more amazing is the amount of time it spent, or actually didn't spend in translation!
Once the average dossier arrives and is logged in to the Chinese Welfare System it is an average of 30 days before that document will complete the translation process. Our dossier was logged in 12/28.... so that was only 12 days in translation! Which means that department has chosen to honor our expedite request. Now we pray that the approval department find nothing wrong with our dossier and also chooses to expedite Anna's file!
We are so close you guys!! This is amazing... as always, God is showing us just how truly wonderful he is!
One that note, this makes fundraising even more crucial right now. We still need 8-9K to be fully funded and we potentially need that in two months or so. We will have a couple fundraisers coming up in the near future. Including T-shirts and hopefully something very close to my heart ( ;-) COFFEE!!). We also still have LOTS of puzzle pieces available!
God is good and he WILL provide. Please be in prayer and see if he may be calling to to help with that! Also, please SHARE SHARE SHARE as far as fundraisers go!
Here's a couple special treats we also received this morning!
Davis Party of Six!!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Our absolutely amazing Evelyn Grace!
From December 17, 2016
With everything going on with getting Anna home I am ashamed to admit I haven't been very good about updating everyone on how Evie is doing.
Let me just say... this child is absolutely amazing. She is such a joy, and brings so much happiness to our lives.
She has adjusted without a hitch. Attachment has gone amazing... she is friendly with everyone but definitely knows who her momma and daddy are. She eats almost anything, sleeps pretty well and is just the sweetest thing e...ver! She loves to give hugs and kisses more than anything. She is big fan of the cat, but not so much the dogs. She loves playing outside and reading books... but music and dancing are definitely her favorites.
Let me just say... this child is absolutely amazing. She is such a joy, and brings so much happiness to our lives.
She has adjusted without a hitch. Attachment has gone amazing... she is friendly with everyone but definitely knows who her momma and daddy are. She eats almost anything, sleeps pretty well and is just the sweetest thing e...ver! She loves to give hugs and kisses more than anything. She is big fan of the cat, but not so much the dogs. She loves playing outside and reading books... but music and dancing are definitely her favorites.
She is super sassy and a little stubborn
Medically she has passed all tests and assessments with flying colors.
She excels in therapies and "school" every time we go! We are very blessed with an amazing program at the local university, and she will stay there until kindergarten. She is doing so well she will actually start mainstream preschool in the fall!
She knows many signs and is even picking up on lots of words. She assessed at the level of about 24 months developmentally which factoring in DS, status as an orphan until now and English being a new language she is actually ahead of where she would be expected to be!
I was just telling a good friend that sometimes I just look at her and can't believe she's really here... she's really ours... FOREVER

Medically she has passed all tests and assessments with flying colors.
She excels in therapies and "school" every time we go! We are very blessed with an amazing program at the local university, and she will stay there until kindergarten. She is doing so well she will actually start mainstream preschool in the fall!
She knows many signs and is even picking up on lots of words. She assessed at the level of about 24 months developmentally which factoring in DS, status as an orphan until now and English being a new language she is actually ahead of where she would be expected to be!
I was just telling a good friend that sometimes I just look at her and can't believe she's really here... she's really ours... FOREVER

Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Getting Closer!!!
So we have a little update today...
I just spoke with our officer at USCIS. There are several officers that have a tendency to be "difficult" in this process. With Evie our officer was such a blessing. He was very responsive to emails and calls, he was also always very encouraging and always willing to answer all my questions... and trust me, there were a lot! Well this morning I called to check on our supplement three (immigration update for Evie) and much to my pleasant su...rprise.... we have the SAME officer!! He said he had my file on his desk, from what he can tell everything looks great, and we will hopefully have an approval by this afternoon! This is a GOD thing you guys!! Just one more reassurance that we are indeed doing what we are supposed to be doing. HE is so good!
I just spoke with our officer at USCIS. There are several officers that have a tendency to be "difficult" in this process. With Evie our officer was such a blessing. He was very responsive to emails and calls, he was also always very encouraging and always willing to answer all my questions... and trust me, there were a lot! Well this morning I called to check on our supplement three (immigration update for Evie) and much to my pleasant su...rprise.... we have the SAME officer!! He said he had my file on his desk, from what he can tell everything looks great, and we will hopefully have an approval by this afternoon! This is a GOD thing you guys!! Just one more reassurance that we are indeed doing what we are supposed to be doing. HE is so good!
This is especially important for another reason. After speaking with Anna's foster home director, the adoption doctor, our agency and our pediatrician we have decided to request a medical expedite for Anna's adoption. While she is doing fantastic and improving in so many areas, she still is not gaining weight. She is not even on the growth charts for her weight. We believe full heartedly that love, medical, and therapy will move this right along, we just need to get her home to get the process started.
We also have a sweet friend who will be visiting Anna and Evie's foster home next week and will be taking her some happy's from us! She will receive a book in the package showing her how many people are at home waiting for her and already love her so much!!
Please continue to pray, for a seamless process getting her home. Also please continue to be patient with us as we work to raise the money to complete her adoption. With a medical expedite things will go much quicker than originally anticipated. This is fantastic, but puts a much greater sense of urgency in the fund raising department.
Everyone was been so amazing in this process, for both girls. We will never be able to adequately express our gratitude. It truly takes a village, and our village is pretty amazing if you ask me!
We also have a sweet friend who will be visiting Anna and Evie's foster home next week and will be taking her some happy's from us! She will receive a book in the package showing her how many people are at home waiting for her and already love her so much!!
Please continue to pray, for a seamless process getting her home. Also please continue to be patient with us as we work to raise the money to complete her adoption. With a medical expedite things will go much quicker than originally anticipated. This is fantastic, but puts a much greater sense of urgency in the fund raising department.
Everyone was been so amazing in this process, for both girls. We will never be able to adequately express our gratitude. It truly takes a village, and our village is pretty amazing if you ask me!
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Come on Immigration!!!
Sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve updated! We’re still adjusting to life with two 2 year
olds, and have been at a little bit of a standstill while we waited on an
update of our home study. The home study
we had done for Evie’s adoption was still good, we just had to add in the fact
that we had a new child in the home now!
Anyway… update is complete and has been approved by both New Beginnings,
our home study agency, and AAC, our placing agency. I mailed off what they call our Supplement
three exactly one week ago! This is the
form updating our immigration approval for Anna!! Once this form comes back, which is averaging
about a month right now, we’ll have a couple documents to send through the
authentication process and then we will again be DTC!! For those of you that don’t remember, that
stands for documents to China!!
We are right on track for travel in the early spring! While this is SUPER exciting, it is also very
nerve racking. We still are about $13,000
short of fully funded. I want to address
this touchy subject for a minute. I want
everyone to understand the “why” of fundraising, and how important it really is
this time around. With Evie’s adoption
we completed 4 fundraisers. We are so
thankful for everyone who supported us in these fundraisers. Their total was about $1200. Evie’s adoption was about $40000, give or
take. That means we paid over $38000 out
of pocket. Beau does make good money,
and we feel so very blessed for this.
After Evie’s adoption however, we had exhausted our resources. I know people see we have recently moved to a
new house and have a new car. Our home
was a significant downsize financially, and we traded in Beau’s high truck
note, for a more affordable, more practical minivan. As much as I would love to be able to work to
help fund this adoption, with Beau’s work schedule and all of Evie’s medical
and therapy appointments it just isn’t practical. Eventually I will definitely go back to work,
we just need to get Anna home, and both girls settled into their new lives as
Davis’ first. We’re not asking for pity,
I just wanted everyone to understand our situation. You guys have all been so fantastic in all of
this and we are so grateful!
Evie is doing absolutely amazing since the moment I got her
in Beijing! She has adjusted so well,
and it’s like she has always been here!
She amazes us and all her doctors and therapists daily! She is so so smart and so determined. She is also very stubborn and hard headed…
she fits in just fine around here lol.
Beau and I love her more than we ever thought possible. Wyatt is still
adjusting, but that is expected. He’s
never really had to share his Momma before.
I will say, he is doing do much better than we expected! Kadence continues to be an amazing big
sister! All three kids are very excited for Anna to come home! Wyatt asks about her frequently, and Evie’s
face just lights up when we show her pictures or videos. We try to show Evie these often so she remembers
very well when Anna is finally home.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Amazing News!!!
Today is a fantastic day!!! We just received word from China that we have received PA (pre-approval) for our sweet Anna! Basically the China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption has reviewed our basic information and Nurture Plan (how we plan to care for Anna) and have given us the go ahead to move forward with the adoption of our daughter! Not that there was ever any question... I knew from the moment I met her... she is our daughter! I will say our nerves have been a little bit on high alert though. Our approval took a little longer than normal. NOT because of anything on our end, but related to one of many Chinese holidays. This one just happened to be a week long!! It is over now though.... and we are ready to move forward full steam ahead!!
For those of you who followed along on our journey to bring Evie home, we are now beginning the dreaded paper chase! Granted it won't be quite as bad as the first time around as we get to reuse or amend some things we prepared last time. Regardless it will be lots of paperwork, appointments, trips to see my BFF at Fed Ex, document authentication, sleepless nights knowing China is at work, and so on. Every single part of it will be so worth it in the end <3
I mentioned it on our facebook page, but feel like I should mention it here as well. Fundraising makes us incredibly uncomfortable BUT is absolutely necessary to get Anna home. Please have patience with us through this process and know if you feel lead to give it is appreciated more than you know! We have cut back here as much as possible and are still looking for ways to cut expenses to help us save.
We currently have a Santa Bag fundraiser running. They are super cute and personalized! We have an upcoming auction, a fun event during the month of November, and a puzzle fundraiser starting soon. If anyone has any other ideas, or something you'd like to donate to the auction please contact me!
And prayers guys.... we need your prayers. We feel them, we really do... and we know without a doubt God hears them. Please keep them coming.
I am including our pure charity link (tax deductible) and paypal link (no fees to us if you send to friends and family). We also have a GoFundMe account, but were less than pleased with the amount they charged on our first transfer.
Here's a little something we'd like to share... seriously... just look at that precious face!!!
For those of you who followed along on our journey to bring Evie home, we are now beginning the dreaded paper chase! Granted it won't be quite as bad as the first time around as we get to reuse or amend some things we prepared last time. Regardless it will be lots of paperwork, appointments, trips to see my BFF at Fed Ex, document authentication, sleepless nights knowing China is at work, and so on. Every single part of it will be so worth it in the end <3
I mentioned it on our facebook page, but feel like I should mention it here as well. Fundraising makes us incredibly uncomfortable BUT is absolutely necessary to get Anna home. Please have patience with us through this process and know if you feel lead to give it is appreciated more than you know! We have cut back here as much as possible and are still looking for ways to cut expenses to help us save.
We currently have a Santa Bag fundraiser running. They are super cute and personalized! We have an upcoming auction, a fun event during the month of November, and a puzzle fundraiser starting soon. If anyone has any other ideas, or something you'd like to donate to the auction please contact me!
And prayers guys.... we need your prayers. We feel them, we really do... and we know without a doubt God hears them. Please keep them coming.
I am including our pure charity link (tax deductible) and paypal link (no fees to us if you send to friends and family). We also have a GoFundMe account, but were less than pleased with the amount they charged on our first transfer.
Here's a little something we'd like to share... seriously... just look at that precious face!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2016
To China... again
So... I know everyone probably thinks we have absolutely lost our minds... well I have lost my mind and Beau is just getting taken along for the ride. I suppose that might all be true... but I can't think of any other solution.
I guess I'll start at the beginning with the cliff notes version of what got us here in the first place. As most of you know Wyatt joined us a little earlier than expected. While the whole experience was terrifying, we were reassured by multiple physicians that it was a fluke and we would be just fine having another child. Well... after two back to back miscarriages we got the hint that maybe that wasn't so true after all. That year was definitely one of the hardest of my life. I was absolutely heartbroken, confused, angry, discouraged, and whatever other gloomy emotion you can think of. After we took some time to pause and think about our situation we realized we were correct in thinking we were to have more children, but maybe we had misunderstood exactly how that was meant to happen.
Our path to adoption was also not without some hiccups. We originally started the process for a sweet girl from Eastern Europe. That situation didn't end quite as we expected. Granted we were definitely meant to be a part of her life, just not as her mom and dad. We still love her very much, get updates through a social worker, and are able to sent her goodies from time to time. While we were SO happy for her, we again were wondering what it was we were supposed to be doing.
Adoption of a child with Down Syndrome is something I have always wanted to do. I know it is something my mother had always been interested in, and maybe that's where I got it. I have watched the adorable little faces on Reece's Rainbows for years, but figured it would probably never be a reality for me. After a premature baby, losing two babies, and losing the chance to adopt a child I had strongly felt was ours... I decided to go out on a limb and just ask Beau. Much to my surprise, after a little time and prayer... HE SAID YES!!! I was over the moon.
Fast forward to present time... we are home with our 32 month old bundle of joy... Evelyn Grace Fujing Davis!! Or Evie... as everyone calls her :-)
Beau was unable to travel with me to China due to work schedules. While I was over there with my dad we had the amazing opportunity of actually going to Evie's foster home to pick her up. These women that care for these children are truly angels in disguise. They has been so amazing through the entire process. The updates, pictures and videos we received were unreal. They care they received was top notch, and they truly love these children. While there we stayed for a couple hours and were able to just sit and play with all the children. We met and interacted with everyone of them... and how can you help to fall in love. (See where I'm going with this?!). There was one little girl that made such an impression on me while we were there. She was the sweetest little thing! She was so tiny and has the gentlest little spirit. She was also from Evie's orphanage, had the same "finding spot," transferred to the same place for the same heart surgery, and ended up at the same foster home. Their original province and currently location are literally across China. It's not like it was expected for something like that to happen.
Long story short... I fell in love, Beau thought I had lost my mind, I couldn't shake the feeling that she was ours, Beau still thought I was nuts, Beau finally went out on a limb and took the leap, and now we should submit our Letter of Intent to the Chinese Government this week!
There are still some unknowns as to how this process will go. Regardless though, it's going to be most likely faster, and almost as expensive. The difference this time... we exhausted our reserves bringing Evie home. Basically we apologize in advance, but we need lots of financial support and there will be lots of fundraisers! We trust God, and know he will provide. We have no doubts that this is his will for us and this precious little girl.
We have a GoFundMe account, and a Pure Charity account for donations as well. The Pure Charity Account allows tax deductible donations because they go directly to our adoption agency.
I guess I'll start at the beginning with the cliff notes version of what got us here in the first place. As most of you know Wyatt joined us a little earlier than expected. While the whole experience was terrifying, we were reassured by multiple physicians that it was a fluke and we would be just fine having another child. Well... after two back to back miscarriages we got the hint that maybe that wasn't so true after all. That year was definitely one of the hardest of my life. I was absolutely heartbroken, confused, angry, discouraged, and whatever other gloomy emotion you can think of. After we took some time to pause and think about our situation we realized we were correct in thinking we were to have more children, but maybe we had misunderstood exactly how that was meant to happen.
Our path to adoption was also not without some hiccups. We originally started the process for a sweet girl from Eastern Europe. That situation didn't end quite as we expected. Granted we were definitely meant to be a part of her life, just not as her mom and dad. We still love her very much, get updates through a social worker, and are able to sent her goodies from time to time. While we were SO happy for her, we again were wondering what it was we were supposed to be doing.
Adoption of a child with Down Syndrome is something I have always wanted to do. I know it is something my mother had always been interested in, and maybe that's where I got it. I have watched the adorable little faces on Reece's Rainbows for years, but figured it would probably never be a reality for me. After a premature baby, losing two babies, and losing the chance to adopt a child I had strongly felt was ours... I decided to go out on a limb and just ask Beau. Much to my surprise, after a little time and prayer... HE SAID YES!!! I was over the moon.
Fast forward to present time... we are home with our 32 month old bundle of joy... Evelyn Grace Fujing Davis!! Or Evie... as everyone calls her :-)
Beau was unable to travel with me to China due to work schedules. While I was over there with my dad we had the amazing opportunity of actually going to Evie's foster home to pick her up. These women that care for these children are truly angels in disguise. They has been so amazing through the entire process. The updates, pictures and videos we received were unreal. They care they received was top notch, and they truly love these children. While there we stayed for a couple hours and were able to just sit and play with all the children. We met and interacted with everyone of them... and how can you help to fall in love. (See where I'm going with this?!). There was one little girl that made such an impression on me while we were there. She was the sweetest little thing! She was so tiny and has the gentlest little spirit. She was also from Evie's orphanage, had the same "finding spot," transferred to the same place for the same heart surgery, and ended up at the same foster home. Their original province and currently location are literally across China. It's not like it was expected for something like that to happen.
Long story short... I fell in love, Beau thought I had lost my mind, I couldn't shake the feeling that she was ours, Beau still thought I was nuts, Beau finally went out on a limb and took the leap, and now we should submit our Letter of Intent to the Chinese Government this week!
There are still some unknowns as to how this process will go. Regardless though, it's going to be most likely faster, and almost as expensive. The difference this time... we exhausted our reserves bringing Evie home. Basically we apologize in advance, but we need lots of financial support and there will be lots of fundraisers! We trust God, and know he will provide. We have no doubts that this is his will for us and this precious little girl.
We have a GoFundMe account, and a Pure Charity account for donations as well. The Pure Charity Account allows tax deductible donations because they go directly to our adoption agency.
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